Thursday, September 15, 2011

This is When You Know You're Obsessed

Last night, I was having a nightmare.  I can't remember exactly what it was about, but I think someone was attacking me and I started fighting back.  Well anyway, just when it was getting to its scariest part, the dream shifted to me sitting with a writer friend of mine and discussing how that scary scene did or did not work. 

That's right.  My subconscious mind has now decided to save me from my nightmares by turning them into scenes in a book.

I don't know whether to be glad or a little freaked out.

How do you know when you've become obsessed with writing?


  1. ohmygoodness!!!!! this is sooooo funny! em! so- overall- how DID the scene fare?

  2. That sounds about right. So, did it work well with the other scenes and characters? :)

  3. Lol! That is brilliant! It runs right along with dreaming in different languages, I think. We've rewired our brains. :)

  4. Vic and Charlie--*I* thought the scene was good. Full of tension, and plausible. My writer friend, however, did not think the victim had been reacting appropriately. :P

  5. Carolyn--Uh oh. I'm not so good with rewiring things. I might end up breaking something... :P

  6. LOL Emily I've done the exact same thing! I'm thinking it might be time for a vacation. :)

  7. HAHA Emily this post made me laugh (: I would say to be glad! hah (:

  8. Always nice when your subconscious disagrees with you. I'm pretty sure all writers are somewhat crazy. Too many voices in one head...especially writing from as many POV's as I do. ;)

  9. Hahaha! That's too funny. I've started having similar sorts of dreams. Nothing quite to that kind of shift, but incorporating writing as a theme.

    I have a sticky notepad I bought from Wegman's that says "Even if the voices aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas." I'd say be glad. :D

  10. ah, girl power even when dreaming...

  11. HahaHA, that is priceless. I love it, Emily!! Your subconscious is saving your from another part of your subconscious. Way cool.

  12. LOL!! I've kind of done the same thing, except I turned into a director and my dream was a movie.

    "Let's do that scene again, except this time I need to see more emotion in your eyes...and we need more blood!" :)


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