Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday Fun Time! Newsboys!

This song is absolutely one of my favorites.


It's not letting me post it for some reason, but you can go here to view. The song is definitely worth the click!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

~Emily White


  1. newboys are my hubby's favorite! my favorite song of theirs is He Reigns... :)

  2. Oh I LOVED this!! What a great song, and I loved that it was filmed in Uganda! I've had a passion for all things African since I went to Ghana, and I got all choked up when I watched this.

    Thank you for sharing!

  3. Vic--That's a good song, too! They came up in my area for Kingdom Bound over the summer and my hubby and I really wanted to go, but the show was too late on a Sunday. :( Maybe some other time.

    Shallee--Isn't it great?? I'm glad you liked it! I've always wanted to go somewhere in Africa. It's definitely on my travel list.

  4. Excellent--my favorite Newsboys stuff has always been from the Shine/Take Me To Your Leader era (though Step Up to the Microphone was pretty darn good, too), but so far they haven't done anything that I didn't like. I've only heard a couple of songs with Michael Tait, but I like what I've heard.

  5. I had never heard this before and I immediately snagged it from iTunes. Thanks!!!!

  6. Very cool, Emily! I love Newsboys, and have their Greatest Hits--but I've never heard this song. Thanx for expanding my Newsboys horizons. The first song that got me hooked on them was on the radio, and was Spirit Thing. Lively and happy mood-type song!

  7. Nothing more beautiful than a girl at her wedding. Loved that beat too.

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